home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /* DeliTracker-Player for ADPCM audio samples */
- /* Written in 1995 by Christian Buchner. This is Public Domain. */
- /* Note: TAB SIZE = 4 */
- /* History:
- added version string (still V1.0)
- V1.1: reduced chip buffer size to 1K
- V1.2: rewritten for loading constantly while playing
- added dummy NotePlayer interface, makes Stereoscope etc. work
- */
- /* Includes */
- #include <proto/dos.h>
- #include <proto/exec.h>
- #include <proto/intuition.h>
- #include <libraries/dos.h>
- #include <dos/dostags.h>
- #include <utility/tagitem.h>
- #include <devices/audio.h>
- #include <exec/execbase.h>
- #include <exec/memory.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <stdarg.h>
- #include "DeliPlayer.h"
- /* Version String */
- #define PLAYER_VERSION 1
- UBYTE Version[]="$VER: ADPCM-Player 1.2 "__AMIGADATE__" by Christian Buchner";
- /* Externals */
- extern struct DosLibrary *DOSBase;
- extern struct IntuitionBase *IntuitionBase;
- /* DeliTracker's stuff */
- struct DeliTrackerGlobals *DeliBase;
- struct MsgPort *DeliPort;
- /* Copyright and info */
- UBYTE AboutString[]="a player for ADPCM audio samples\n"
- "in MONO ADPCM2 or ADPCM3 format.\n"
- "(c) 1995 by Christian Buchner";
- void __asm __saveds DeliProcess(void);
- ULONG __asm __saveds Check(void);
- ULONG __asm __saveds InitPlayer(void);
- ULONG __asm __saveds EndPlayer(void);
- ULONG __asm __saveds InitSound(void);
- ULONG __asm __saveds EndSound(void);
- ULONG __asm __saveds StartInt(void);
- ULONG __asm __saveds StopInt(void);
- ULONG __asm __saveds Faster(void);
- ULONG __asm __saveds Slower(void);
- ULONG __asm __saveds VolBalance(void);
- void SetPerVol(void);
- void __stdargs Message(UBYTE *Msg,...);
- struct NoteStruct *NotePlay;
- extern __asm ULONG DecompressADPCM2( register __a0 UBYTE *Source,
- register __d0 ULONG Length,
- register __a1 UBYTE *Destination,
- register __d1 ULONG JoinCode );
- extern __asm ULONG DecompressADPCM3( register __a0 UBYTE *Source,
- register __d0 ULONG Length,
- register __a1 UBYTE *Destination,
- register __d1 ULONG JoinCode );
- /* Tag list for DeliTracker */
- struct TagItem PlayerTagArray[]=
- {
- DTP_RequestDTVersion, 17,
- DTP_PlayerName, (ULONG)"ADPCM-Player",
- DTP_Creator, (ULONG)AboutString,
- DTP_Description, (ULONG)"a player for ADPCM samples",
- DTP_DeliBase, (ULONG)&DeliBase,
- DTP_Check1, (ULONG)&Check,
- DTP_Process, (ULONG)&DeliProcess,
- DTP_Priority, 0,
- DTP_StackSize, 4096,
- DTP_MsgPort, (ULONG)&DeliPort,
- DTP_NoteStruct, (ULONG)&NotePlay,
- DTP_InitPlayer, (ULONG)&InitPlayer,
- DTP_EndPlayer, (ULONG)&EndPlayer,
- DTP_InitSound, (ULONG)&InitSound,
- DTP_EndSound, (ULONG)&EndSound,
- DTP_StartInt, (ULONG)&StartInt,
- DTP_StopInt, (ULONG)&StopInt,
- DTP_Volume, (ULONG)&VolBalance,
- DTP_Balance, (ULONG)&VolBalance,
- DTP_Faster, (ULONG)&Faster,
- DTP_Slower, (ULONG)&Slower,
- };
- /* The primitive sample header */
- struct ADPCMHeader
- {
- UBYTE Identifier[6];
- ULONG Frequency;
- };
- UBYTE IDString[]="ADPCM";
- struct Process *PlayerTask;
- BOOL ChanInit;
- struct MsgPort *LeftReply[3]; /* 2 for buffers, 1 for period/volume */
- struct MsgPort *RightReply[3];
- struct IOAudio *LeftAudio[3];
- struct IOAudio *RightAudio[3];
- #define CHIP_SIZE 1024
- UBYTE *ChipBuffer[2];
- /* specifies the buffer size in _decrunched_ bytes */
- #define LOAD_SIZE (128*CHIP_SIZE)
- /* specifies the length of the load queue */
- #define QUEUE_LEN 2
- BPTR LoadHandle;
- ULONG FileSize;
- struct LoadBuffer
- {
- struct MinNode lb_Node;
- ULONG lb_ADPCMPosition;
- UBYTE *lb_ADPCMData;
- ULONG lb_PlayOffset;
- };
- struct List BufferList;
- UWORD NumBuffers;
- struct SignalSemaphore BufferSemaphore;
- struct SignalSemaphore LoadQuitSemaphore;
- struct Process *LoadProc;
- void __saveds LoadBuffers(void);
- ULONG Bits;
- ULONG Frequency;
- ULONG LeftVolume=64;
- ULONG RightVolume=64;
- ULONG ADPCMPosition;
- BOOL Loading=FALSE;
- BOOL LoadingStopped=TRUE;
- BOOL Playing;
- BOOL BufPlaying[2];
- ULONG PlayPosition;
- ULONG JoinCode;
- /*** NotePlayer interface ***/
- BOOL NoteInit=FALSE;
- UBYTE *NotePosition=NULL;
- ULONG NoteLength=0;
- UWORD NotePeriod=0;
- struct NoteChannel NoteChannels[2]=
- {
- &NoteChannels[1], /* NextChannel */
- 0, /* for use by NotePlayer */
- 0, /* Reserved0 */
- 0, /* Private */
- 0, /* Changed */
- NCHD_FarLeft,0, /* StereoPos, Stereo */
- 0,0, /* SampleStart, SampleLength */
- 0,0, /* RepeatStart, RepeatLength */
- 0, /* Frequency */
- 0, /* Volume */
- 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, /* Reserved1 */
- NULL, /* NextChannel */
- 0, /* for use by NotePlayer */
- 0, /* Reserved0 */
- 0, /* Private */
- 0, /* Changed */
- NCHD_FarRight,0, /* StereoPos, Stereo */
- 0,0, /* SampleStart, SampleLength */
- 0,0, /* RepeatStart, RepeatLength */
- 0, /* Frequency */
- 0, /* Volume */
- 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 /* Reserved1 */
- };
- struct NoteStruct NoteStruct=
- {
- &NoteChannels[0], /* Channels */
- NSTF_Dummy|NSTF_Period|NSTF_Signed|NSTF_8Bit, /* Flags */
- 28867, /* Max Frequency */
- 64, /* Max Volume */
- 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 /* reserved */
- };
- struct NoteStruct *NotePlay = &NoteStruct;
- /****************************************************************************/
- /* Our player's Process */
- void __asm __saveds DeliProcess(void)
- {
- BOOL ProcActive=TRUE;
- ULONG Signals;
- struct DeliMessage *DeliMessage;
- DOSBase=(struct DosLibrary*)DeliBase->DOSBase;
- IntuitionBase=(struct IntuitionBase*)DeliBase->IntuitionBase;
- PlayerTask=(struct Process*)FindTask(NULL);
- PlayerTask->pr_Task.tc_Node.ln_Pri=22;
- NewList(&BufferList);
- InitSemaphore(&BufferSemaphore);
- InitSemaphore(&LoadQuitSemaphore);
- if (LoadProc=CreateNewProcTags( NP_Entry, &LoadBuffers,
- NP_Name, "ADPCM Loader",
- NP_Priority, 21,
- {
- while(ProcActive)
- {
- ULONG SigMask = SIGBREAKF_CTRL_C | (1L<<DeliPort->mp_SigBit);
- if (ChanInit) SigMask |= (1L<<LeftReply[0]->mp_SigBit) |
- (1L<<LeftReply[1]->mp_SigBit) ;
- Signals=Wait(SigMask);
- if (Signals & SIGBREAKF_CTRL_C)
- {
- ProcActive=FALSE;
- }
- if (Signals & (1L<<DeliPort->mp_SigBit))
- {
- if (DeliMessage=(struct DeliMessage*)GetMsg(DeliPort))
- {
- DeliMessage->Result=(*DeliMessage->Function)();
- ReplyMsg((struct Message*)DeliMessage);
- }
- }
- if (ChanInit)
- {
- UWORD i;
- for (i=0;i<2;i++)
- {
- if (Signals & (1L<<LeftReply[i]->mp_SigBit))
- {
- if (BufPlaying[i])
- {
- WaitPort(LeftReply[i]); GetMsg(LeftReply[i]);
- WaitPort(RightReply[i]); GetMsg(RightReply[i]);
- BufPlaying[i]=FALSE;
- }
- if (Playing)
- {
- if (NoteInit)
- {
- NoteChannels[0].nch_SampleStart=
- NoteChannels[0].nch_RepeatStart=
- NoteChannels[1].nch_SampleStart=
- NoteChannels[1].nch_RepeatStart=NotePosition;
- NoteChannels[0].nch_SampleLength=
- NoteChannels[0].nch_RepeatLength=
- NoteChannels[1].nch_SampleLength=
- NoteChannels[1].nch_RepeatLength=NoteLength;
- NoteChannels[0].nch_Frequency=
- NoteChannels[1].nch_Frequency=NotePeriod;
- NoteChannels[0].nch_Volume=64;
- NoteChannels[1].nch_Volume=64;
- NoteChannels[0].nch_Changed=
- NoteChannels[1].nch_Changed=NCHF_Sample|NCHF_Repeat|NCHF_Frequency|NCHF_Volume;
- dt_NotePlayer();
- NoteInit=FALSE;
- }
- if (PlayPosition > ADPCMLen)
- {
- Message("WARNING! PlayPosition > ADPCMLen!?!");
- }
- if (PlayPosition>=ADPCMLen)
- {
- /* Signal Songend */
- dt_SongEnd();
- }
- ObtainSemaphore(&BufferSemaphore);
- if (NumBuffers > 0)
- {
- struct LoadBuffer *lb;
- ULONG ChipMax;
- lb=(struct LoadBuffer*)BufferList.lh_Head;
- if ( lb->lb_ADPCMPosition==0 &&
- lb->lb_PlayOffset==0 )
- {
- JoinCode=0;
- }
- if (Bits==2) ChipMax = (CHIP_SIZE+3)/4;
- if (Bits==3) ChipMax = (CHIP_SIZE+7)/8*3;
- Do=lb->lb_ADPCMLen-lb->lb_PlayOffset;
- if (Do>ChipMax) Do=ChipMax;
- if (Do>0)
- {
- UWORD Period=(*(struct ExecBase**)(4))->ex_EClockFrequency*5/Frequency;
- if (Bits==2) JoinCode=DecompressADPCM2(lb->lb_ADPCMData+lb->lb_PlayOffset, Do, ChipBuffer[i], JoinCode);
- if (Bits==3) JoinCode=DecompressADPCM3(lb->lb_ADPCMData+lb->lb_PlayOffset, Do, ChipBuffer[i], JoinCode);
- lb->lb_PlayOffset += Do;
- PlayPosition=lb->lb_ADPCMPosition+lb->lb_PlayOffset;
- if (Bits==2) DMALen = Do*4;
- if (Bits==3) DMALen = Do*8/3;
- LeftAudio[i]->ioa_Data =
- RightAudio[i]->ioa_Data = ChipBuffer[i];
- LeftAudio[i]->ioa_Length =
- RightAudio[i]->ioa_Length = DMALen;
- LeftAudio[i]->ioa_Period =
- RightAudio[i]->ioa_Period= Period;
- LeftAudio[i]->ioa_Volume=LeftVolume;
- RightAudio[i]->ioa_Volume=RightVolume;
- LeftAudio[i]->ioa_Cycles=
- RightAudio[i]->ioa_Cycles=1;
- LeftAudio[i]->ioa_Request.io_Flags|=ADIOF_PERVOL;
- RightAudio[i]->ioa_Request.io_Flags|=ADIOF_PERVOL;
- LeftAudio[i]->ioa_Request.io_Command=
- RightAudio[i]->ioa_Request.io_Command=CMD_WRITE;
- Forbid();
- BeginIO(LeftAudio[i]);
- BeginIO(RightAudio[i]);
- BufPlaying[i]=TRUE;
- Permit();
- NotePosition=ChipBuffer[i];
- NoteLength=DMALen;
- NotePeriod=Period;
- NoteInit=TRUE;
- }
- if (ADPCMPosition > ADPCMLen)
- {
- Message("WARNING! lb_PlayOffset > lb_ADPCMLen!?!");
- }
- if (lb->lb_PlayOffset >= lb->lb_ADPCMLen)
- {
- Remove((struct Node*)lb);
- NumBuffers--;
- Signal((struct Task*)LoadProc, SIGBREAKF_CTRL_D);
- if (lb->lb_ADPCMData)
- {
- FreeVec(lb->lb_ADPCMData);
- lb->lb_ADPCMData=NULL;
- }
- FreeVec(lb);
- lb=NULL;
- }
- }
- ReleaseSemaphore(&BufferSemaphore);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- Signal((struct Task*)LoadProc, SIGBREAKF_CTRL_C);
- ObtainSemaphore(&LoadQuitSemaphore);
- }
- }
- /****************************************************************************/
- void __saveds LoadBuffers(void)
- {
- ULONG Signals;
- BOOL LoadActive=TRUE;
- ObtainSemaphore(&LoadQuitSemaphore);
- while (LoadActive)
- {
- if (Signals & SIGBREAKF_CTRL_C)
- {
- LoadActive=FALSE;
- }
- if (Signals & SIGBREAKF_CTRL_D)
- {
- if (Loading==FALSE)
- {
- LoadingStopped=TRUE;
- Signal(PlayerTask, SIGBREAKF_CTRL_D);
- }
- else
- {
- LoadingStopped=FALSE;
- if (LoadHandle && ADPCMLen>sizeof(struct ADPCMHeader))
- {
- while (NumBuffers < QUEUE_LEN)
- {
- struct LoadBuffer *lb;
- if (lb=AllocVec(sizeof(struct LoadBuffer),MEMF_ANY|MEMF_CLEAR))
- {
- BOOL Success=FALSE;
- ULONG Do = ADPCMLen - ADPCMPosition;
- ULONG Max;
- if (Bits==2) Max=(LOAD_SIZE+3)/4;
- if (Bits==3) Max=(LOAD_SIZE+7)/8*3;
- if (Do > Max) Do=Max;
- if (Do)
- {
- if (lb->lb_ADPCMData=AllocVec(Do, MEMF_ANY))
- {
- LONG Got;
- Seek( LoadHandle,
- ADPCMPosition+sizeof(struct ADPCMHeader),
- Got=Read(LoadHandle, lb->lb_ADPCMData, Do);
- if (Got < 0)
- {
- Message("Read error!");
- }
- else
- {
- if (Got != Do)
- {
- Message("Warning, short read! Wanted %ld, got %ld",Do,Got);
- }
- if (Got != 0) Success=TRUE;
- lb->lb_ADPCMPosition=ADPCMPosition;
- lb->lb_ADPCMLen=Got;
- ADPCMPosition+=Got;
- if (ADPCMPosition > ADPCMLen)
- {
- Message("WARNING! Position > Filesize!?!");
- }
- /* Restart loading */
- if (ADPCMPosition >= ADPCMLen)
- {
- ADPCMPosition = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (Success)
- {
- ObtainSemaphore(&BufferSemaphore);
- AddTail(&BufferList,(struct Node*)lb);
- NumBuffers++;
- if ( NumBuffers == QUEUE_LEN &&
- BufPlaying[0] == FALSE &&
- BufPlaying[1] == FALSE )
- {
- Signal(PlayerTask,(1L<<LeftReply[0]->mp_SigBit));
- Signal(PlayerTask,(1L<<LeftReply[1]->mp_SigBit));
- }
- ReleaseSemaphore(&BufferSemaphore);
- }
- else
- {
- if (lb->lb_ADPCMData)
- {
- FreeVec(lb->lb_ADPCMData);
- lb->lb_ADPCMData=NULL;
- }
- FreeVec(lb);
- lb=NULL;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- Forbid();
- ReleaseSemaphore(&LoadQuitSemaphore);
- }
- /****************************************************************************/
- /* Module check routine */
- ULONG __asm __saveds Check(void)
- {
- BOOL Result=TRUE;
- struct ADPCMHeader *Header=(struct ADPCMHeader*)(DeliBase->ChkData);
- if (!strncmp(IDString,Header->Identifier,strlen(IDString)))
- {
- if ( Header->Identifier[5]=='2' ||
- Header->Identifier[5]=='3' )
- {
- if (Header->Identifier[5]=='2') Bits=2;
- if (Header->Identifier[5]=='3') Bits=3;
- Frequency=Header->Frequency;
- Result=FALSE;
- }
- }
- return(Result);
- }
- /****************************************************************************/
- /* Init player (alloc channels, etc...) */
- ULONG __asm __saveds InitPlayer(void)
- {
- BOOL Error=TRUE;
- if (LoadHandle=Open(DeliBase->PathArrayPtr,MODE_OLDFILE))
- {
- struct FileInfoBlock *fib;
- if (fib=(struct FileInfoBlock *)AllocMem(sizeof(struct FileInfoBlock),MEMF_ANY))
- {
- UBYTE LeftArray[2]={1,8};
- UBYTE RightArray[2]={2,4};
- UWORD i;
- if (ExamineFH(LoadHandle, fib))
- {
- FileSize = fib->fib_Size;
- }
- else
- {
- Seek(LoadHandle, 0, OFFSET_END);
- FileSize = Seek(LoadHandle, 0, OFFSET_BEGINNING);
- }
- FreeMem(fib, sizeof(struct FileInfoBlock));
- ADPCMLen = FileSize-sizeof(struct ADPCMHeader);
- for (i=0;i<3;i++)
- {
- if (!(LeftReply[i]=CreateMsgPort())) break;
- if (!(RightReply[i]=CreateMsgPort())) break;
- if (!(LeftAudio[i]=CreateIORequest(LeftReply[i],sizeof(struct IOAudio)))) break;
- if (!(RightAudio[i]=CreateIORequest(RightReply[i],sizeof(struct IOAudio)))) break;
- if (i<2) if (!(ChipBuffer[i]=AllocVec(CHIP_SIZE,MEMF_CHIP))) break;
- }
- if (i==3)
- {
- LeftAudio[0]->ioa_Request.io_Message.mn_Node.ln_Pri=127;
- LeftAudio[0]->ioa_Length=sizeof(LeftArray);
- LeftAudio[0]->ioa_Data=LeftArray;
- LeftAudio[0]->ioa_Request.io_Flags|=ADIOF_NOWAIT;
- if (!OpenDevice("audio.device",0L,(struct IORequest *)LeftAudio[0],0))
- {
- for (i=1;i<3;i++)
- {
- LeftAudio[i]->ioa_Request.io_Device=LeftAudio[0]->ioa_Request.io_Device;
- LeftAudio[i]->ioa_Request.io_Unit=LeftAudio[0]->ioa_Request.io_Unit;
- LeftAudio[i]->ioa_AllocKey=LeftAudio[0]->ioa_AllocKey;
- }
- RightAudio[0]->ioa_Length=sizeof(RightArray);
- RightAudio[0]->ioa_Request.io_Message.mn_Node.ln_Pri=127;
- RightAudio[0]->ioa_Data=RightArray;
- RightAudio[0]->ioa_Request.io_Flags|=ADIOF_NOWAIT;
- if (!OpenDevice("audio.device",0L,(struct IORequest *)RightAudio[0],0))
- {
- for (i=1;i<3;i++)
- {
- RightAudio[i]->ioa_Request.io_Device=RightAudio[0]->ioa_Request.io_Device;
- RightAudio[i]->ioa_Request.io_Unit=RightAudio[0]->ioa_Request.io_Unit;
- RightAudio[i]->ioa_AllocKey=RightAudio[0]->ioa_AllocKey;
- }
- ChanInit=TRUE;
- Error=FALSE;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (Error)
- {
- EndPlayer();
- }
- DeliBase->SndNum=1;
- return(Error);
- }
- /****************************************************************************/
- /* Clean up the Player (deallocate, etc..) */
- ULONG __asm __saveds EndPlayer(void)
- {
- WORD i;
- for (i=2;i>=0;i--)
- {
- if (i<2)
- {
- if (ChipBuffer[i])
- {
- FreeVec(ChipBuffer[i]);
- ChipBuffer[i]=NULL;
- }
- }
- if (RightAudio[i])
- {
- if (i==0 && RightAudio[i]->ioa_Request.io_Device)
- {
- CloseDevice(RightAudio[i]);
- RightAudio[i]->ioa_Request.io_Device=NULL;
- }
- DeleteIORequest(RightAudio[i]);
- RightAudio[i]=NULL;
- }
- if (RightReply[i])
- {
- DeleteMsgPort(RightReply[i]);
- RightReply[i]=NULL;
- }
- if (LeftAudio[i])
- {
- if (i==0 && LeftAudio[i]->ioa_Request.io_Device)
- {
- CloseDevice(LeftAudio[i]);
- LeftAudio[i]->ioa_Request.io_Device=NULL;
- }
- DeleteIORequest(LeftAudio[i]);
- LeftAudio[i]=NULL;
- }
- if (LeftReply[i])
- {
- DeleteMsgPort(LeftReply[i]);
- LeftReply[i]=NULL;
- }
- }
- if (LoadHandle)
- {
- Close(LoadHandle);
- LoadHandle=NULL;
- }
- ChanInit=FALSE;
- return(0);
- }
- /****************************************************************************/
- /* Initialize the "Module" */
- ULONG __asm __saveds InitSound(void)
- {
- ADPCMPosition = 0;
- Loading = TRUE;
- Signal((struct Task*)LoadProc, SIGBREAKF_CTRL_D);
- return(0);
- }
- /****************************************************************************/
- /* End sound */
- ULONG __asm __saveds EndSound(void)
- {
- struct LoadBuffer *lb,*nextlb;
- LoadingStopped=FALSE;
- Loading=FALSE;
- Forbid();
- while (!LoadingStopped)
- {
- Signal((struct Task*)LoadProc, SIGBREAKF_CTRL_D);
- }
- Permit();
- ObtainSemaphore(&BufferSemaphore);
- for( lb=(struct LoadBuffer*)BufferList.lh_Head ;
- nextlb = (struct LoadBuffer*)lb->lb_Node.mln_Succ ;
- lb = nextlb )
- {
- Remove((struct Node*)lb);
- NumBuffers--;
- if (lb->lb_ADPCMData)
- {
- FreeVec(lb->lb_ADPCMData);
- lb->lb_ADPCMData=NULL;
- }
- FreeVec(lb);
- lb=NULL;
- }
- ReleaseSemaphore(&BufferSemaphore);
- return(0);
- }
- /****************************************************************************/
- /* Start sound */
- ULONG __asm __saveds StartInt(void)
- {
- PlayPosition=0;
- Playing=TRUE;
- if (NumBuffers == QUEUE_LEN)
- {
- Signal(PlayerTask,(1L<<LeftReply[0]->mp_SigBit));
- Signal(PlayerTask,(1L<<LeftReply[1]->mp_SigBit));
- }
- return(0);
- }
- /****************************************************************************/
- /* Stop sound */
- ULONG __asm __saveds StopInt(void)
- {
- UWORD i;
- Playing=FALSE;
- for (i=0;i<2;i++)
- {
- if (BufPlaying[i])
- {
- AbortIO(LeftAudio[i]);
- AbortIO(RightAudio[i]);
- WaitPort(LeftReply[i]); GetMsg(LeftReply[i]);
- WaitPort(RightReply[i]); GetMsg(RightReply[i]);
- BufPlaying[i]=FALSE;
- }
- }
- NoteInit=FALSE;
- return(0);
- }
- /****************************************************************************/
- /* Play Faster */
- ULONG __asm __saveds Faster(void)
- {
- Frequency+=100;
- SetPerVol();
- return(0);
- }
- /****************************************************************************/
- /* Slower */
- ULONG __asm __saveds Slower(void)
- {
- Frequency-=100;
- SetPerVol();
- return(0);
- }
- /****************************************************************************/
- /* Volume and Balance */
- ULONG __asm __saveds VolBalance(void)
- {
- LeftVolume= DeliBase->SndVol*DeliBase->SndLBal/64;
- RightVolume=DeliBase->SndVol*DeliBase->SndRBal/64;
- SetPerVol();
- return(0);
- }
- /****************************************************************************/
- /* Set Period and Volume */
- void SetPerVol(void)
- {
- UWORD i;
- UWORD Period= (*(struct ExecBase**)(4))->ex_EClockFrequency*5/Frequency;
- for (i=0;i<3;i++)
- {
- LeftAudio[i]->ioa_Period =
- RightAudio[i]->ioa_Period=Period;
- LeftAudio[i]->ioa_Volume=LeftVolume;
- RightAudio[i]->ioa_Volume=RightVolume;
- }
- LeftAudio[2]->ioa_Request.io_Command=
- RightAudio[2]->ioa_Request.io_Command=ADCMD_PERVOL;
- DoIO((struct IORequest*)LeftAudio[2]);
- DoIO((struct IORequest*)RightAudio[2]);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************/
- /* Show a message to the user */
- void __stdargs Message(UBYTE *Msg,...)
- {
- va_list Arg;
- struct EasyStruct Req={sizeof(struct EasyStruct),0,"ADPCM-Player message",0,"Okay"};
- Req.es_TextFormat=Msg;
- va_start(Arg,Msg);
- if (IntuitionBase)
- {
- EasyRequestArgs(NULL,&Req,0,Arg);
- }
- else
- {
- VPrintf(Msg,Arg);
- Printf("\n");
- }
- va_end(Arg);
- }